08:45- 09:15: Welcome- coffee
09:15- 09:45 Session 1 : NeurATRIS 2023 achievements and perspectives------------------------Simone MERGUI et Philippe HANTRAYE (NeurATRIS/ CEA-MIRCEN, Fontenay-aux-Roses)
09:45- 12:30 Session 2 : Advances in translational neuroscience and therapies------------------09:45- 10:20: Multiple sclerosisSession chaired by Brahim NAIT OUMESMAR (ICM, Paris) 09:45- 10:05 (20'): Chahrazade EL AMRI (Institut Biologie Paris Seine, Paris): "Targeting kallikrein-related peptidases as regenerative strategy in demyelinating diseases" 10:05- 10:20 (15'): Victor VALCÁRCEL-HERNÁNDEZ* (MNHN, Paris): "Accumulation of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) within the myelin sheath and multiple sclerosis: Dissecting a potential causal relation" pppp 10:20- 10:45 AM: Coffee breakpppp 10:45- 11:15: Plenary lecture 1Lecture introcuced by Brahim NAIT OUMESMAR (ICM, Paris) Mikael SIMONS (Institute of Neuronal Cell Biology, Munich): "Role of innate immune system in remyelination"
11:15- 11:50: Huntington's diseaseSession chaired by Anselme PERRIER (CEA-MIRCen, Fontenay-aux-Roses) 11:15- 11:35 (20'): Sandrine HUMBERT (ICM, Paris): "Abnormal brain development paves the way for Huntington disease" 11:35-11:50 (15'): Clément LE MOINE* (IMRB, Créteil): "Predicting the Clinical Status of Patients with Huntington's Disease from Raw Speech Samples: A Lightweight Machine Learning Approach"
11:50- 12:30: Parkinson's diseaseSession chaired by Philippe REMY (Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil) 11:50- 12:10 (20'): Stéphane THOBOIS (CRNL, Lyon): "PRECISE-PD imaging study project : A comprehensive model of Parkinson's disease progression using the NS-PARK Cohort" 12:10- 12:30 (20'): Frédéric DUCONGE (CEA-MIRCen, Fontenay-aux-Roses): "AptaFOOT-Seq: a new method to discriminate α-synuclein fibrillar polymorphs from different synucleinopathies"
12:30- 14:00 Lunch break ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14:00- 15:55 Session 2 : Advances in translational neuroscience and therapies (continued)--14:00- 14:30: Plenary lecture 2Lecture introduced by Pierre GRESSENS (U1141, Hôpital R. Debré, Paris) Jean-Christophe DELPECH (INRAe, Bordeaux): "Microglia rejuvenation: potent therapeutical approach for neurodevelopment disorders" 14:30- 15:20: Neurodevelopmental disordersSession chaired by Pierre GRESSENS (U1141, Hôpital R. Debré, Paris) 14:30- 14:50 (20'): Pierre GRESSENS (U1141, Hôpital R. Debré, Paris): "Targeting stress responsive pathways for therapeutic intervention in neurodevelopmental disorders" 14:50- 15:05 (15'): Ariane HEYDARI* (U1141, Hôpital R. Debré, Paris): "sc-RNAseq and FACS to characterize microglia subpopulations in normal and pathological development" 15:05- 15:20 (15'): Tiffany BOURGETON* (UMR703 PAnTher, Nantes): "Deciphering the role of neuromuscular junctions in infantile Pompe disease pathogenesis"
15:20- 15:55: Alzheimer's disease/ TauopathiesSession chaired by Marie-anne COLLE (UMR 703 PAnTher, Nantes) 15:20- 15:40 (20'): Benoit DELATOUR (ICM, Paris): "Effects of blood-brain barrier opening by ultrasound on tau pathology" 15:40- 15:55 (15'): Chloé JAGER* (CEA-MIRCen): "[11C]BU99008, a biomarker to study reactive astrocytes involved in Alzheimer disease by PET imaging"
15:55- 16:15 Session 3 : Artifical Intelligence in Healthcare----------------------------------------------Session chaired by Philippe HANTRAYE (NeurATRIS/ CEA-MIRCen, Fontenay-aux-Roses) Antonio ANDREU (EATRIS, Amsterdam): "Artificial Intelligence in healthcare. The role of EATRIS in the translational use of AI products"
16:15- 16:20: Conclusion by Emilie HANGEN---------------------------------------------------------------------16:20- 16:45: Café gourmandEnd of day for all participants except for the supervisory authorities and members of the SAB and the COMEX of NeurATRIS
16:45- 17:30: Deliberation of the SAB/ Meeting of the supervisory authorities with the COMEX17:30- 18:00: Feedback from the SAB and discussion between SAB and NeurATRISmembers
* Short "Junior" talk
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