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NEURATRIS GENERAL MEETING, October 14, 2024 in Paris

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Join us on October 14, 2024, at the Maison des Polytechniciens in Paris, for the NeurATRIS General Meeting!

This year, we are offering an overview of advances in translational neuroscience, with a focus on neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases, and multiple sclerosis. The General Assembly is also an opportunity to review the achievements of the past year, present the infrastructure's perspectives, and highlight its initiatives in favor of translational research in neuroscience  and the training of young scientists. 


The event is open to all. 

Registration opens on Monday, September 02, 2024. 

Registration is free but mandatory before October 06, 2024.




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NeurATRIS, 12 years of research against neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders. 

Logo NeurATRIS NeurATRIS is a translational research infrastructure for innovative neuroscience therapies, unique in Europe. NeurATRIS, coordinated by CEA, is a French national research infrastructure designed to accelerate the transformation of discoveries from basic research into medical innovations for the treatment of neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases.


NeurATRIS, a distributed infrastructure, brings together several public hospitals and research institutes whose expertise and skills in neuroimaging, pharmacology and biotherapies are complementary and internationally recognized.

NeurATRIS offers a continuum of translational expertise from in vitro cell models to Phase II clinical trials: patients suffering from major brain pathologies such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, multiple sclerosis, and disorders of brain development.


NeurATRIS establishes collaborations with academic and private partners, providing cutting-edge services based on a range of technological, scientific, methodological and strategic expertise that is indispensable in the value chain of translational neuroscience research activities.


logoEATRISNeurATRIS is the French component of the European infrastructure EATRIS-ERIC; it is also the only EATRIS infrastructure to propose a structured offer specialized in neuroscience and neurology, allowing France to position itself as a major player in this field at international and European level.


LogoPIANeurATRIS is a French Research Infrastructure in Biology and Health. Initially endowed with 28 M€ over 10 years in the context of the 2012 "Investissements d’avenir Programme", NeurATRIS has been awarded a complementary funding of 3.3M€ in 2020 for the period 2020-2025.


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